AI5: Love Songs (Pick Pickler no more!)
Thursday, April 27, 2006

I don't really like this week's AI episode very much. I thought love songs are supposed to excite, inspire and engage listeners, but I couldn't help stifling a yawn or two as I was watching some of this week's performances.

The judges were unusually harsh this week; even Paula Abdul seemed to be actually sober and all serious as she commented on the performances, albeit in her normal rambling way. However, their opinion of Chris Daughtry's rendition of Bryan Adams' How To Really Love A Woman was surprisingly unanimous; they thought it was great. I've never been crazy about Chris' warbly vocals but he does have an edginess about him which is a welcome change from the almost-intolerable wholesomeness of the show. Still, I didn't think his performance was good enough to warrant such gushing praises...

The other two male contestants were equally bland -- Taylor Hicks' ebullient self is nowhere in sight as he crooned (unconvincingly) James Ingram's Just Once while Elliot Yamin, despite a flawless delivery of A Song For You, did not really wow as much as he should.

Poor Katherine McPhee tried to show us her diva side with Whitney's I Have Nothing (which has been sung to death on this competition by past contestants) but all she did was prove to us that her vocals weren't that great afterall. Nonetheless, there is something very visually arresting about her outfit this week -- it vaguely resembled a half-peeled banana! Yummy~!! =p

Paris Bennet fared slightly better with The Way We Were but her weird phrasing during her song was abit unsettling. And so is her constantly changing hairstyles (and hair-lengths!!). Rumours are rife over the internet that she may be next in line to be eliminated from the competition -- I really hope this doesn't become a reality anytime soon because she's got a spectacular voice and deserves to be amongst the top three at the very least.

I really have nothing much to say about Kellie Pickler, though. Except, "good riddance", perhaps?? LOL. But I really liked that bit in the show when David Foster asked Andrea Bocelli what he thought her hair color was and the latter replied immediately -- Blonde.

The most exciting AI moments this week are (in random order):
1. seeing Katherine in her "banana" gown
2. hearing Andrea Bocelli sing (gazillion times better than any of the contestants) whilst lying on his back on the floor
3. seeing Kellie sing onstage for the last time in this competition -- Joy!

(Next week, contestants get to sing two songs -- one from the year they were born and the other from this week’s Top 10 Billboard Charts.)

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