eh wait; kena tagged lah!
Friday, September 28, 2007

Was just about to log off and call it a night when I realized that miss asfa had tagged yours truly! Three days ago! HAhha.. Well, I've heard it said that I'm abit slow on the uptake...;)

5 things.

5 things in my bag:

Pencilcase bursting with stationery; a pack of tissues; 1gb thumbdrive; cleaning-cloth for my lappie; some scrap paper (Hey, it's my work bag!)

5 things that are in my wallet...

cash; coins; cards (atm, et. al); bunch of old receipts; some plasters!

5 favorite things in my bedroom

my lappie; my ipod; my O2; my smelly pillows; my nightmare-before-xmas alarm clock!

5 things i wish to do

go ktv soon; go on sushi buffet; go on shopping spree; go & master a 3rd language; go travelling to see the world!

5 things that i am doing now

typing on my lappie whilst doing this tag...??? does that constitute 5 things???

5 people i would like to tag

you. You. you. You. YOU!

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