Wednesday, October 03, 2007

There are times when I know better than to be wasting precious time doing absolutely nothing when I could be doing something productive on my laptop. But rather than follow my rational, left-brain-inclined principles, I've decided to be the divergent, rebellious, slacker. So what's new??? LOL. Anywayz, I found out today that I'm pretty much a balanced person (equal parts the logical thinker and a creative thinker) although ChuaTee is convinced that the guys in my class are generally creative people because all of us have stick-out ears!!!! (something about right-brain thinkers tend to sleep with their backs flat on the bed, hence leading to ears sticking out).

But let me tell you all about Chua Tee. She's an unmarried, thirty-something (or so she claimed) professor with plenty of experience teaching abroad, specialising in gifted kids (which is really a euphemism for being too smart for their own good!). Despite her impressive credentials, I think she's abit of a wacko. Scatter-brained and flighty and not very together, if you know what I mean. Her classes are indubitably very interesting, interspersed with many comic moments (flighty people are rather entertaining, you see) but on the whole, her teaching points are not very coherent and comprehensive. How did I ever land myself with this this damned, pointless elective!!! Looks like I gotta just grin and bear it for the next few weeks. *Sigh* But I'd better remind her again next week that my name does NOT have a "z" in it!!! grrrrr...

So what am I doing online at this hour of day, which erstwhile has never been an opportune time for me to be blogging?? Well actually, I'm now at the National Library reference section, seventh floor, pretending to do some research or other, (which was what I had initially intended to do) when in fact, I'm happily surfing the internet. And I'm not even abit guilty about it. As you can see from the picture, there's a big thick volume open right in front of me but I haven't read a single word of it.

And I was just telling my colleagues earlier today how I should really be starting on that 2000-word essay which is due for submission in a week or so... According to Chua Tee, that thing which is between your mind's eye and your goals, ie. your volition, is what is helping you to complete your tasks. Well, looks like I haven't got much of it. =)

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