Friday, November 16, 2007

It's been more than a month since I last blogged proper. I sincerely apologize to those few friends who have faithfully visited this site only to be greeted by cobwebs, congealed dust and old, stale entries. Probably, I'm now a forgotten name under the "links" or "blogs I read" portion of those whose blogs I used to frequent for juicy tidbits of their everyday lives.

This past year, my writings have been sporadic and not very consistent, despite promises to write regularly. In fact, there were a number of occasions when I could have afforded the time to blog but... I just somehow lacked the strength or will-power to do so. No volition. ChuaTee will be quite disappointed in me. LOL.

But I've submitted my final essay a couple of weeks ago and I will see no more of ChuaTee and her eccentric ways, and I think I've passed her module (she had convinced us, anyway, that it's impossible to fail). With only a couple of non-gradeable, mini-modules left, life has become a comfortable but dull, monotonous cycle of late nights (due to insomnia) and late mornings.

By the way, I'm totally in lurrve with Heroes.
Save the cheerleader, save the world!!!

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