Saturday, December 08, 2007

The inevitable has happened. I've caught a cold!

I'd like to blame it on the dismal weather but what most probably accelerated my inexorable slide to "sickness" is the frantic spring-clean of my room yesterday. After spending an indefinite amount of time putting it off, I finally managed to grab a duster and dusted every single inch of my room, especially those spots which haven't seen the light of day for close to a year (I must confess that I didn't bother to do much to my room for the previous Hari Raya. I just wasn't in the mood!). And I also dug up all the stuff in my wardrobe and folded them nicely in neat stacks, in matching colors even~! I was surprised to find many items which I'd forgotten the existence of! Haha.

Unfortunately, I know that everything will simply go back to their messy state in a week's time, at most. Typical...

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