hate column
Saturday, December 29, 2007

I am irked by

- people who unabashedly and persistently ask for (cash) loans, without apologies for past loans which are still outstanding.

- people who humbly ask for loans and makes sincere promises to return them, only to conveniently forget remembering they ever begged/pleaded assistance from you.

- people who have barely enough cash to survive for the month due to low wages but have the gall to spend their money on exorbitant, unnecessary things like expensive toiletries, liquor in clubs, latest technological gadgets, branded clothes and accessories, etc, and those that do not bother to curb unprofitable bad habits like excessive smoking and dining at pricey restaurants.

Not that I'm not willing to help when a friend is in need, but seriously, ingratitude is a major turn-off.

My mother used to say, friends and money is a bad mix. She's right.

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