Of the future, stress, & babies...
Wednesday, December 05, 2007

Lately, I've been in a rather foul mood. It's mostly because I feel that I've stagnated, like a pool of dirty water infested with mosquito larvae. The last week of my school is finally, and officially over, and I'm suddenly faced with lots of free time, but instead of being out there, pursuing my interests or just meandering about carefree and enjoying every bit of what's left of my innocent youth (yeah, rite!), I spend the days confined within the four walls of my home and on several evenings, you may find me occupying myself at the gym. (note: I've recently picked up the latter in an effort to lead a healthier lifestyle since my family has a history of hypertension. I've had nightmares of dying from a stroke!!)

I'm also more than abit apprehensive about the new year which is just looming around the corner. New work responsibilities, long hours, insurmountable stress levels, "burnt" weekends, hard-to-please superiors, indifferent colleagues -- seriously, the list of things that I worry about is endless! I guess that's just me; leave me alone too long by myself-ish and I start worrying about heaps of things.

But the one thing in the world that could truly soften me up and make me instantaneously glad to be alive is... babies!! Cute, adorable, rosy-cheeked babies, God's miraculous creations, little bundles of unfulfilled potential. Tiny fingers and toes as fragile and soft as flower petals and delectable lips, scrumptiously making little baby noises. When they smile and laugh, my heart melts like an ice-cube on a sweltering Sunday afternoon. I love babies!!! (Do you hear my biological clock ticking?? NOT!)

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